Resources and Referrals
Our list of resources for speech therapy topics and referrals to colleagues we trust and admire.
Gestalt Language Processors​
Visit our blog to learn more about gestalt language development. Meghan O'Grady, our speech therapist is trained in Natural Language Acquisition and is passionate about supporting gestalt language processors to reach their potential.
Follow us on Instagram where we frequently post about gestalt language development
Visit Meaningful Speech
Read the Meaningful Speech weekly blog posts
Take the Meaningful Speech Course for an in-depth learning experience on Gestalt Language Processors
Read this book, The Units of Language Acquisition by Ann Peters
YouTube videos for gestalt language processors to watch: Playtime with Tor
Visit Marge Blanc's website which has a plethora of resources
Join Marge Blanc's Facebook group: Natural Language Acquisition Study Group
Free course introducing the stages of Natural Language Acquisition
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Visit Apraxia Kids
Watch Edi Strand's free online course about Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Follow Alonna Bondar on Instagram and take her courses
Follow the work of the NYU Motor Speech Lab
Understanding Challenging Behaviors
Behavior is communication and we believe, like Ross Greene stated "kids do well when they can." The following resources are recommended for families who are having difficulty understanding and working with their child's challenging behaviors.
Ross Greene's resources
Additional books:​​
Understanding Autism and Neuro- diverse populations
Early Language Development + Late Talkers
Read our blog, we often post information about early language development and late talkers
Visit the Hanen Centre to learn more about late talkers
Read Time to Talk by Michelle MacRoy Higgins
These are related service providers we have had first-hand experience working with and highly recommend.
Psychology/Mental Health
Dr. Bari Schwartz at Best Self Psychology
Allie Loeb, LMSW at First Light Therapy
Dr. Anna Goodearl
Dr. Cara Remmes at Midtown Psychology Services
Dr. Rebecca Kason at Sage Mind Psychology
Ming Tong, LMHC
Amanda Cataldo, LMHC at ALMA
Occupational Therapy
Music Therapists
Jamie Bendell at The Littlest Melody